The Meaning of Luck in the Eye of Islam

Insightful Ink-walk
M(caps)any of us often ponder the concept of luck and its relation to the divine decree of Allah (SWT). If Allah has already written our destinies and every action we will take, what is the purpose of the Final Judgment? This article aims to provide some insight into this profound question.

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Meaning of Luck In The Eye of Islam

A Thought Experiment

Let's consider a thought experiment. Suppose, through some means like a time machine, you were able to witness a future event involving a friend of yours. On January 12, 2030, you saw your friend commit a murder. You then shared this vision with your friend and documented it in your diary. When the fateful day arrived, your friend indeed killed someone, whether intentionally or accidentally. Should your friend blame you for the murder, since you had foretold and recorded this event? Certainly not. You merely documented what you had foreseen, but you did not force your friend to commit the act. It was ultimately their own free will.

Allah's Knowledge and Our Free Will

Almighty Allah knows everything – our past, present, and future. Time is a human construct, but for Allah, all moments exist simultaneously. Allah is aware of our future actions and the situations in which we will find ourselves. On the Day of Judgment, many wrongdoers will plead to be sent back to Earth, promising to refrain from sinful acts. However, they will not be granted this opportunity because Allah knows with certainty that they would repeat the same transgressions.
Therefore, we should not blame our luck or destiny. It is our own choices and actions that shape our lives. We may not fully comprehend the wisdom behind our circumstances, but there could be great blessings hidden within them. Instead of blaming luck, we should strive to change our mindsets, treat ourselves and others with kindness, and maintain faith in Allah during times of struggle.

Acceptance of Allah's Decree

It is natural to question why our prayers sometimes seem unanswered, despite our sincere and consistent supplications. However, we must understand that Allah accepts every good intention and prayer from His servants. He examines whether we are truly content with His decree or not. We should be grateful that Allah does not instantly punish us for our sinful actions, granting us opportunities to repent and mend our ways.

The Purpose of the Final Judgment

The Final Judgment is not a mere formality, but a manifestation of Allah's perfect justice and wisdom. It is a day when every soul will be held accountable for their deeds, and no injustice will be overlooked. The concept of luck or destiny does not negate the need for this ultimate reckoning, as it is our own choices and actions that will be judged, not some predetermined fate.


In Islam, the concept of luck is not a matter of blind chance or fate. Rather, it is a reflection of Allah's divine decree and our own free will. While Allah knows our future actions, we are still responsible for the choices we make. The Final Judgment serves as a reminder that we will be held accountable for our deeds, and it is our duty to strive for righteousness and seek forgiveness for our transgressions. By embracing this understanding, we can find solace in the wisdom of Allah's plan and strive to live a life pleasing to Him.

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